The online edition of this book in the public domain, i.e., not protected by copyright, has been produced by the Emory University Libraries.
Contents: [1] Emblemata -- [2] Sinne-spel van de dry hoffdeuchden, onder het spreec-woort -- [3] Emblemata moralia -- [4] Deuchden-Schole, ofte, Spieghel der jonghe-dochteren. Signatures: [hand]-2[hand]⁴, A-N⁴ (N4 blank), ²A-²G⁴ (²G4 verso blank), (:)², 2A-2M⁴, 2N² (2N2 verso blank), a-p⁴, q² (q verso and q2 verso blank). Engraved title page signed: J. Swelinck fecit. Title vignettes; initials; head- and tail-pieces.
Pitts Theology Library copy bound in black morocco. Citation/References Note: Landwehr, J. Dutch emblem books, 87. Praz, M. 17th c. imagery, 2nd ed., p. 368.